

As of the beginning of 2020, with more than $10 trillion debt held at negative interest rates and an unusually large amount of additional new debt soon to be sold to finance def-icits, we are shifting towards the end of a long term debt cycle. This is comparably similar to the period that came after the roaring 20s, with huge wealth and value disparities which lead to the social and political conflicts in the period between 1930 and 1945, and resulted in the establishment of a new world order. Now 75 years later, we are again at the end of a long-term debt cycle where a deep economic and debt contraction is producing income and balance sheet holes for people, companies, nonprofit organizations, and govern-ments. This is happening simultaneously as politically fragmented central governments are struggling and a rising world power is competing with the leading world power in areas of trade, technology development, capital markets, and geopolitics. So who will surge as the leading dominant power in this new world order?

Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 China was already a rising world power challenging the overextended existing world power of the US. Since its unification as a single political en-tity in 221 B.C. China has been on its complex journey from ancient civilisation through classical empire, to Communist revolution and modern great-power status. For the first time in the last 50-100 years, the United States is encountering a rival power. China has become a competitive power to the United States in a number of ways and is growing at a faster rate than the US. If trends continue, it will be stronger than the United States in most of the important ways that an empire becomes dominant. Huge global economic and geopolitical shifts are taking place, especially in China. Its excellent capabilities and histor-ical perspectives have led China to become an effective competitor with the US in produc-tion, trade, technology, geopolitics, and world capital markets.

When the richest get into debt by borrowing from the poorest, it is a very early sign of a relative wealth shift. For example, in the 1980s, when the US had a per capita income that was 40 times that of China’s, it started borrowing from Chinese who wanted to save in US dollars because the dollar was the world’s reserve currency. This was an early sign of that dynamic beginning. Similarly, the British borrowed a lot of money from its much poorer colonies, particularly during WWII, and the Dutch did the same before their top, which con-tributed to the reversals in their currencies and economies when the willingness to hold their currency and debt suddenly fell.

With the Chinese Yuan becoming the 4th most used currency in the world, rising from the 13th place in just three year surpassing Japanese Yen, Canadian Loonie and Australian dollar and becoming a reserve currency in November 2015, Chinese leaders are making it easier to trade the Chinese Yuan in foreign exchange markets as they open up trading hubs in Singapore and London, allowing easier foreign direct investment. More recently, as China embraces a cashless society with completely integrated e-commerce and retail payment systems through Alipay and WeChat Pay, China’s central bank began working on its digital currency. With critical pillars like artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and digital-payment platforms already in place, it aims to use the digital currency to secure its financial autonomy and assert itself on the global scale. To end the hegemony of the US dollar, it’s possible that China could start providing its digital currency technology to less-developed countries, leading to the Chinese Yuan becoming a more dominant reserve currency worldwide. China will begin trialling payments in its new digital currency in 4 cit-ies and the plan is to introduce it as one of the preparatory programmes for the 2022 Win-ter Olympics.

With China’s long term plan to shift from a command economy to a mixed economy, and its economic reform “Made in China 2025”, advancement in technology, specifically big data, aircraft engines, and clean energy is highly anticipated. China’s reform will shift the economy from one based on government spending, state-run companies, and low-cost exports and moves it towards private investment, entrepreneurial innovation, and domestic consumption. The government will loosen price controls on water, electricity and natural resources. Companies in these industries can consolidate and become larger. But they must become profitable. They will also be listed on China’s stock market to hold them ac-countable. In return, they will pay 30 percent of earnings as dividends to the government. Proceeds will be used to fund social security programs by 2020, allowing the Chinese people to save less, spend more, and boost demand. Throughout history, China has been an important acting force and it will likely be even more important in the future.


Doing business in China is not easy due to the immense cultural and social differences and nuances. With language being a huge barrier, which Chinese businessmen often use to their advantage, understanding business practices in China and the correct approach to take is an art in itself and it is indeed very crucial. Mastering how China works is of great importance to achieving the desired successes; it is much more complex than simply selling.


Time, patience and consistent follow ups are the key attributes required to succeed, and to truly master the art of doing business in Mainland China, you need to recognise the Chinese thought process, cultural behaviours, social origins, and what consists of the situational and contextual norm. Many companies fail due to the lack of understanding and operating under a Western mindset and reasoning that does not yield any expected results.


Relationships in China, like the rest of the world, are vital in doing business. However, it is vastly different in China and there are concepts of great importance that deserve a closer study; Guanxi, Mianzi, Youyi.


Confucianism, the dominant cultural belief in China, emphasises the interdependence of social connections. Business and social relationships depend more on networks of trust, honour, and long-term harmonious relationships.


There is no exact translation for Guanxi, it can be comprehended as, social connections and networks. It implies mutual trust and obligations between the parties and works on a personal, societal, family, business and government level. Having a positive, negative or non-existent Guanxi impacts the influence of people and the ability to achieve the desired objectives.


Having a good Guanxi is an indication that the relationship will be long and beneficial for both parties.  A bad or non-existent Guanxi can negatively impact businesses, preventing sales or decisions made by senior executives.


To explain the concept further, think about a time when you tried to enter a private establishment or event by invitation. Who does not have the Guanxi simply cannot enter and be part of it. In the Chinese society, having a good Guanxi is not enough, it is about having the right Guanxi in the relevant context that is critical.


Guanxi in China differs from the Western world in some key respects:


  1. Guanxi is a necessity for doing business in China, but it varies according to industry sectors and geography.
  2. Guanxi must be considered on three levels; personal, corporate and government.
  3. The disadvantages of Guanxi must be understood and managed.

Establishing the right relationships and connections relies heavily on mutual trust, and building trust requires time and patience. This is where the second and third term comes in; Youyi and Mianzi.


The term Youyi refers to the friendship between different parties. In the Chinese business world, it is compared to having respect for the feelings and interests of the other person and thus allowing the relationship to flourish and endure a long time.


On the other hand, Mianzi is associated with honor. The honor for senior executives is highly valued and staining it can mean the end of their career. For this reason, when negotiating with senior executives, it is always important to allow them room for rectification, so that their Mianzi is not affected in front of their colleagues.


The above concepts are interconnected, and we simply cannot stress their importance enough. Understanding their correlation is crucial to succeed in starting and running a business in Mainland China.


Nuestros servicios de venta posicionan tu producto en tienda física y retail on-line, por lo que se busca complementar la experiencia física de compra con la experiencia en línea, a esto se le conoce como experiencia omnicanal. La experiencia omnicanal resulta de gran importancia cuando el consumidor chino decide que producto consumir.

La idiosincrasia del chino es compleja y muy distinta, nosotros la conocemos a la perfección, te ayudamos a posicionar tu producto, mientras tu marca obtiene la reputación adecuada para que gane popularidad, reconocimiento y consumidores leales.

Nuestra solución de venta esta diseñada para empresarios que cuenten con un producto premium e innovador en su mercado local y que cumplan con los requisitos de nuestra filosofía.

Nuestra prioridad es expandir tu negocio, creando una vinculación de negocios a largo plazo entre tu empresa y China. El servicio que ofrecemos incluye todas las herramientas necesarias para que tu producto tenga éxito desde su lanzamiento. Nuestros profesionales estarán en constante contacto contigo para ofrecerte apoyo de inicio a fin, en todo el proceso del ciclo de venta.

A continuación, se presenta la “Ruta al Éxito”. La Ruta al Éxito es nuestra guía y metodología de trabajo. En ella se detallan los pasos a seguir.

Para más información, comunícate con nosotros.


Este servicio es para empresarios que ya tienen experiencia realizando negocios en China con un producto consolidado en el mercado y para clientes que deseen hacer ellos mismos el proceso. Este servicio te ofrece crecimiento exponencial a través de mayores ventas.

Así mismo, incluimos asesoría & consultoría para reducirte costos y hacer más eficientes tus procesos logísticos y de operación. Gamanway incluye adicionalmente talleres presenciales durante tu estancia en la ciudad de Shanghái, dónde aprenderas los conocimientos básicos de vender en China y la idiosincrasia local.

Nuestro equipo profesional te apoyara para lograr y consolidar tus objetivos en tu industria.

Softlanding es un término acuñado en los negocios para referirse a un “aterrizaje suave”, dónde nuestros clientes realizan por su cuenta todos los procesos debido a su deseo y experiencia previa. El objetivo es conectarte con nuevos clientes. Te agendamos citas con clientes potenciales, dónde visitarás China y harás las negociaciones por tu cuenta.

A continuación, se presenta la “Ruta del Crecimiento”. La Ruta del Crecimiento es nuestra guía y metodología de trabajo. En ella se detallan los pasos a seguir.

Para más información, comunícate con nosotros.